Take a Stillness Two Minute Timeout

When things feel blurred together, crazy and incoherent take a two minute stillness timeout.

Everyone has two minutes and so do you. Find 120 seconds to step away and put yourself in timeout. You’re 120 seconds of stillness will:

  • Reduce tension and anxiety. When you’re still and tuned into what your body is feeling and sensing, you quiet and disengage the mind (our primary source of distress is our active thoughts) and usher in calm.

  • Recover your perspective. In a calm state you restore perspective and recover from the tunnel vision you get when you’re stressed and under pressure.

  • Regain your footing. Your footing is stable because: you’re grounded in your body’s experiencing, quieted the monkey mind, restored your calm, and gotten your perspective back. 

  • Reboot and restart. You’ve just rebooted and are ready to go get it!


Eric Russell